Goddess Diana Videos: #8 Chanel v Suly (22:21)

2 ratings

Goddess Diana Cazadora (11 - 3) has been busy scouting and really wants to make a line of videos that have heavy hitters. This time we see Suly (1 - 0) return to show new fighter Chanel how Fenix Catfights works under Diosa Diana. They start dressed as nuns as a tribute to the producer's secret but there are no holy actions once the bell rings. Enjoy Suly's fun-filled introduction and Chanel's responses.

La Diosa Diana Cazadora (11 - 3) ha estado ocupada explorando y realmente quiere hacer una línea de videos que tengan pesos pesados. Esta vez vemos a Suly (1 - 0) regresar para mostrarle a la nueva luchadora Chanel cómo funciona Fenix Catfights bajo la dirección de Diosa Diana. Comienzan vestidas como monjas como homenaje al secreto del productor, pero no hay acciones sagradas una vez que suena la campana. Disfrute de la divertida introducción de Suly y las respuestas de Chanel.

Göttin Diana Cazadora (11 - 3) war mit der Suche beschäftigt und möchte unbedingt eine Reihe von Videos mit starken Schlagzeilen machen. Dieses Mal sehen wir, wie Suly (1 - 0) zurückkehrt, um der neuen Kämpferin Chanel zu zeigen, wie Fenix Catfights unter Diosa Diana funktioniert. Als Hommage an den geheimen des Produzenten beginnen sie als Nonnen verkleidet, aber sobald die Glocke läutet, gibt es keine heiligen Handlungen. Genießen Sie Sulys unterhaltsame Einführung und Chanels Antworten.

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Fenix Catfights Refund Policies

1 - Fenix videos
Full refunds requested because the buyer
a - did not like the film will be refused. Partial refund considered if accompanied by a convincing argument.
b - bought a duplicate title will be credited after review by Fenix.
c - bought the wrong title will be determined after review by Fenix. Data contributing to decision include buyer reputation, purchase history, possibility of confusion etc.
Partial refunds due to price changes will not be considered. To remain competitive, Fenix reserves the right to change prices dynamically at will.

2-Custom videos
Refunds and credits will be determined after discussion with Fenix. Custom videos are reviewed by Fenix and compared to the script and any discussions between customer and Fenix prior to filming for accuracy and fulfillment quality. There are too many scenarios to list here but we aim to provide honest feedback in the initial communication provided with the video. We are thousands of miles from the production site, unless I am filming, so direct oversite is not possible and that is the leading cause of errors. The customer will review the video and provide their feedback. Fenix and customer will negotiate a mutually-agreed resolution.

No refunds, keep as a bona fide souvenir.

Last updated May 13, 2024

The edited fight, a preview file, fotos and gifts.

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Goddess Diana Videos: #8 Chanel v Suly (22:21)

2 ratings