Fenix Catfights SMD_Second chance Dulce v Lori (40:47)

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This is a free for all fight. The ladies thought their efforts in Bogota were overlooked. I reviewed Dulce's Bogota fight with Kory and agreed. They sent this video; there were three falls and although a winner was dubious, their skills are solid. Dulce Del Toro makes a great case for her team and I look forward to future work with 'Sun_Moon_Dirty.

Esta es una lucha libre para todos. Las damas pensaron que sus esfuerzos en Bogotá fueron pasados por alto. Revisé la pelea de Dulce en Bogotá con Kory y estuve de acuerdo. Enviaron este video; hubo tres caídas y aunque un ganador era dudoso, sus habilidades son sólidas. Dulce Del Toro presenta un gran caso para su equipo y espero trabajar en el futuro con 'Sun_Moon_Dirty'.

This product is not currently for sale.
7 sales

Fenix Catfights Refund Policies

1 - Fenix videos
Full refunds requested because the buyer
a - did not like the film will be refused. Partial refund considered if accompanied by a convincing argument.
b - bought a duplicate title will be credited after review by Fenix.
c - bought the wrong title will be determined after review by Fenix. Data contributing to decision include buyer reputation, purchase history, possibility of confusion etc.
Partial refunds due to price changes will not be considered. To remain competitive, Fenix reserves the right to change prices dynamically at will.

2-Custom videos
Refunds and credits will be determined after discussion with Fenix. Custom videos are reviewed by Fenix and compared to the script and any discussions between customer and Fenix prior to filming for accuracy and fulfillment quality. There are too many scenarios to list here but we aim to provide honest feedback in the initial communication provided with the video. We are thousands of miles from the production site, unless I am filming, so direct oversite is not possible and that is the leading cause of errors. The customer will review the video and provide their feedback. Fenix and customer will negotiate a mutually-agreed resolution.

No refunds, keep as a bona fide souvenir.

Last updated Oct 18, 2023

Edited oil match which gets rough, previews, fotos and gifts.

Oil wrestling
Dulce Del Toro
Lorena Ribskicker
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Fenix Catfights SMD_Second chance Dulce v Lori (40:47)

0 ratings